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Assessments & Tools
Discover your talents and aim them toward success
CliftonStrengths is an assessment that reveals the one true you, or your talent DNA. Trusted by more than 90% of Fortune 500 companies, this assessment measures how you naturally think, feel and behave. RingTrue uses CliftonStrengths to help clients like you understand how you stand out in the world; what makes you uniquely powerful. The assessment will also reveal your greatest opportunities for development and success in your personal and professional life.
Take the most widely used personality inventory in the world
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. When you work with RingTrue to learn your type preferences, you can approach work or school in a way that best suits your style, including: how you manage your time, problem solving, best approaches for decision making, and dealing with stress. Knowledge of your MBTI can also help you better understand the culture of your school or workplace, develop new skills, understand your participation in teams, and cope with changes.
Learn to recognize when you're stuck in your thinking, and how to change it
Change is an ever-present characteristic in life. But, it is only human to approach changes in the environment with hesitation or even fear. These natural reactions can result in a loss of effectiveness and productivity, missed opportunities for development and increased management issues. With our Resistance To Change activities, RingTrue can help uncover your degree of resistance to change in your world, and provide you with tools to improve your level of flexibility and adaptability.
Understand if you're in the 20% Highly Sensitive group
Have you ever been told that you’re “too sensitive," "too intense,” or that "you shouldn’t think so much?" A highly sensitive person (HSP) is a term for those who have an increased or deeper nervous system sensitivity to physical, emotional and social stimuli. Although as many as 20% of the population carries the Highly Sensitive trait, many people don’t know that they do, despite it having a profound effect on their life and relationships. RingTrue works with clients to help them understand when they’re impacted by the trait, and how to use this superpower for greater success.
Learn to be more present and connect with others when it counts.
Listening may be the form of communication skill we use most, but many of us listen poorly and don't recognize it. Active listeners enjoy better relationships; they fully understand what other people are saying; and their teams are more productive because they can discuss problems easily and talk through solutions. RingTrue will help you work on your active listening skills in order to improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate.
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